pycharm is really nice. It can read and maintained poetry projects, give you PEP8/pycodestyle warnings, has vertical tabs, auto completion for imports.
I've just started looking at Astrovim. I think if I can get pycode style highlights, import assistance and workspaces that save and load, it would be viable. The code completion with the jedi-language-server kinda sucks compared to pycharm, even if you use type hints. And the other language servers all require me to install node for some reason.
..and the feature set of PyCharm is really nice; with a lot of extra nice tooling I can't seem to coax out of jedi-language-server + Astrovim, at least not out of the box.
@djsumdog as someone once said “there’s no such thing as a python programmer”. in this context i couldn’t agree more. in my personal opinion you do not need most features that pycharm provides, as, again, most of the time it just sits there taking up storage just to be used once in a month.