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i don't care about horses at all but i suddenly began to take an interest in them after venerating santa muerte for a while and this deck of playing cards she had me steal for her has horses as the joker cards i think she might just really like horses, or she wants me to keep an eye on horses as a symbol for some reason. i really need to buy that statue of her as a charra
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@cryborg when i started getting serious about it i just set aside a little space for her where i could put little trinkets and burn candles/incense for her and pray. i've heard your first statue should be a gift, which is easier if you live in a bigger city or closer to/in mexico, and it probably isn't necessary, though mine was a gift. most people just start by telling her about their day and talking to her like a new (really an old) friend. i personally moved in with someone who venerated her and i started having visions of her because i was living in the same house as her, and she asked me to give up cigarettes for her, and only once i did that did we actually start building a relationship; by that point i had already known her for like 2 years, so she really was more of an old friend. some people draw pictures of her and talk to that; i bought like a little skull trinket that i found at a bookstore. i also did a buddhist meditation on the stages of corpse decay for a week early on that felt really cool with her and made me feel very close to her but i couldn't keep up with it
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@unmind any tips for starting veneratin santa muerte