I'll still never forget there is a channel that narrates old transcripts of actual travelers from different cultures and their first interaction with that culture.
There was a transcript to wear a bunch of Portuguese sailors went to find Christians in India because they heard about a village or I think city that was entirely composed of Christians.
And the first thing they write when they meet them is that the men are very wise in religious scripture but terrible at restraining their vices and then it follows up to where they start talking about the women.
And They downright say that they're women are uglier than the cows and that they have so much unnecessarily jewelry that they put on themselves to try and fool their men into thinking that they aren't ugly because they'll be blinded by how shiny their gold is. XD
Out of all the narrations on that channel almost all of them are positive this is one of the few ones to where the travelers are actually disgusted or have consistent negative opinions about where they're visiting.