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@graf @LordMordred just play sniper elite if you're going to play a game about shooting nazis that actually respects your brain or creativity
what nazi punchers don't seem to understand is that gameplay trumps all and we'd gladly shoot at whatever if it's at least up to par also video games aren't real
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@LordMordred was wolfenstein youngblood that bad. i enjoyed the new colossus and i have youngbloods or whatever its called but i havent played it, yet
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You know I don't entirely know if it's on purpose or not but I have noticed a bit of an odd pattern recently over my years of gaming where a company will develop a game and do the usual story-building shit that occurs and then release the game to the public with one key substantial flaw and that is this making the antagonist and or the antagonists' faction more memorable than the protagonist and the faction they belong to it has happened to several series from Half-Life, Killzone, Wolfenstein, and Fallout to name a few I don't wish to be in the resistance I would rather be a metro cop or an overwatch soldier, I don't want to be in the ISA but in the Helghast, I don't want to be B.J. Blazkowicz I want to be a soldier in the Heer, I rather side with the Legion, the Enclave, or become a raider or tribal not save the world by joining someone like the BoS or impose taxes like the NCR.