@ninja8tyu thats actually something i did with unknown phone numbers on 2ch.hk but the faggots would delete the threads i'd make on /b/ of all fucking places
@lina unfortunately i need to take unknown phone numbers for shit like job application responses and stuff
i genuinely wish hitler were back. we need to genocide these fucking politiniggers. they're more annoying than indian scam centers.
ain't no faggot street shitter calls me by name, which makes it easy to identify them as nuisances to skip over at a glance
these fuckers waste half a minute of my time with their bullshit
i don't want to cuss them out or plainly hang up in fear they'll spam and harass the fuck out of me because these fuckers are like hornets, but goddamn i'm tempted just to see if i'll be justified in escalating it to its conclusion
@ninja8tyu and i unfortunately don't have a place to dump those numbers for bored anons to call them and fuck with these types cuz all imageboards don't accept tor lol
@lina lmk if you find a good place, i can't subscribe... or maybe i can? these phone numbers to some... fanatic cultist newsletters that won't let you cancel subscriptions.