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i dont think a rapist should be getting minimum wage in prison tbh
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prison reform is cool and all but i'd rather not have my tax money go to a rapist so he can shittily build a road or whatever they do
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i guess he'd do something more substantial than the rapists that are elected in office
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@psnacks i think they should. a criminal did something horrible, why should them having a shelter, food and everything provided to them be funded by me instead of by their own work?
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@meso i don't think prisons should be funded by slave labour
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@Komnene абе някви тредове за как затворниците трябвали да имат минимална заплата бахти педерастията
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@meso what
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@psnacks i don't care about whether they rehabilitate or not, shouldnt have committed a crime. if the laws were unjust that's an entirely different thing and they often are, but like lol minimal wage for prisoners is comical
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@meso prisons aren't interested in rehabilitating people that way tho
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@psnacks no id rather they do work in prison that isn't paid by me
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@meso so you'd rather they come out and commit crimes again?
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@meeper @psnacks that's a different issue and it should be solved
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@meso @psnacks folk get falsely convicted or unfair sentences all the time
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@meso @psnacks
such a thing is an inevitibility
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@psnacks @meeper not having shit laws, corrupt overconvicting "justice" system, etc
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@meso @meeper any ideas?
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@psnacks @meeper also, America was a prison colony, what do you expect. specifically the problem of American prison system is unsolveable because they're literally descended from prisoners, they're subhuman
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@meeper @psnacks the most lowlife degenerates were sent to America and they wonder why they're such a shithole
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@psnacks @meeper how?
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@meso @meeper still gonna happen
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@psnacks @meeper how would making a mistake land me in prison if the laws aren't shit and the justice system is fair?
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@meso @meeper have you never made a mistake in your life or what?
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@psnacks @meeper for cases where it matters there's juries
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@meso @meeper are judges not humans who make mistakes?
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@psnacks @meeper no, america was also a prison colony. most of the immigrants came afterwards
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@meso @meeper most people went to america of their own will iirc, are you mixing it up with australia
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@psnacks @meeper i dont get what your point is, you're arguing as if you're arguing against the death penalty but this is about prisoners getting paid or whatever, you're mixing up the arguments
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@meso @meeper yeah, that's bullet proof ofc
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@Komnene @psnacks @meeper trve, thats why cops need to die and people should be allowed to shoot them on the streets
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@meso @psnacks @meeper every justice system so far has been shit
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@psnacks @meeper yeah it should be solved somehow. just because there are misconvictions doesnt mean i should be paying for murderer and rapist wages, doing enough of that already (politicians)
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@meso @meeper i'm just saying not to abuse prisons as slave labour camps like america. This specific sub thread seemed to be about you saying that people being wrongfully imprisoned should just be solved sonehow
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@Komnene @psnacks @meeper дейба еврейския цитат
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@meso @meeper @psnacks If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him
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@psnacks @meeper i still dont want prisoners to be paid at all
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@meso @meeper even paying them minimum wage doesn't neccessarily mean they're payed out of your pocket (they work, people who work get payed minimum wage and still create profit for their employer) but having prisoners work always creates a conflict where prisons obv want to keep them in as much as possible to make money
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@psnacks @meeper i think its enough that they have shelter, food, and everything that normal people have to worry about, provided to them. that's the point of wages anyways. otherwise all they'd be doing is sending them off to their families and stuff. like damn nigga its real easy when you dont have to pay rent or for food huh