@75watt Major game devs are targeting Steam Deck compatibility. the device itself has probably sold between 5 and 7 million. What the hell don't they get? :D
@killyourfm Manufacturers don't get the Steam Deck as they didn't get the Asus eeePC, and insist on using Windows, and OS they can't make theirs, and each new product is more bloated and expensive.
@killyourfm while I totally get that the design would be considered cringe now and ten years ago, I personally welcome a design that isn't merely a black square box. Anything visually to set them apart and show they're willing to make something new is great. It's just a shame about Windows, because the UX is gonna be dreadful.
@necrophcodr Well, I can appreciate your stance. But they really aren't doing ANYTHING new in my eyes. In fact, they're taking expected features away (no touchpad, no back buttons at all).