Today I listened to the full uncut version of #TuxJam episode 111 "Making a Meal of IT". A full 2 hours, 18 minutes, & 24 seconds of my life. Wonderful banter and discussion by Al, Andrew, Dave, and Kevie. They discussed recently released #Linux distros from #DistroWatch, then reviewed the #Mealie service & #Mealient app. The episode contained excellent Creative Commons licensed music tracks. @tuxjam
@mcnalu I thought I had fixed the missing 'not' before. Certainly fixed now. For some reason I remember White Puddings also being called Mealy Puddings, which is supported by Wikipedia and other articles.
@tuxjam Although I am very much like @mcnalu (Andrew) and probably would not have a use for the Mealie service or corresponding app, I did find the technology quite intriguing.
Was quite surprised that @kevie did not make reference to Mealy Puddings as a name-drop or example recipe. Such a staple of Scottish cuisine.