@lainhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_Singapore_Ghost_Stories singaporean classic that actually made alot of my gradeschool life more fun (classmates would have fun spooking each other with stories from it) think it would be interesting for someone outside of southeast asia..
@lain Jules Verne's stuff obviously. Also H.G. Wells has plenty of stuff like that. In general I'd recommend browsing standardebooks.org fantasy and sci-fi sections.
@lain italo calvino's 'cosmicomics' - theyre all quite nice but his short story Blood, Sea is one of my favorites at least thats what comes to mind first
I mean of course Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I'm almost through The Colour of Magic, it's pretty fun, if you like Hitchhiker's, Pratchett has a similar comedic style.
@lain Brandon Sanderson. I've only read two of his books so far, Skyward and Elantris. I liked Elantris more. I wouldn't count them as particularly weird, just solid scifi and fantasy respectively.
Griffin Mage (and its sequels) by... Rachel Neumeier. Girls are cutest when they're almost autistic. (Though one of the MCs of the second book is a nigger slave kek.)
I want an excuse to throw Matthew Reilly in because he's my #1 favourite author, but he's basically military fiction. Some of his stuff strays a bit towards fantasy (eg. Contest, his very first book), but it's pretty much all "let's see what mythological creatures think of GUNS!!!". Surprisingly, he's Australian, not American. I guess Hover Car Racer falls under scifi. Also I recommend not paying attention to anything he did after he finished the Jack West series, arguably even the last three books of it, because he went full lefty propaganda. :/
Tamaora Pierce (who looks exactly like what you'd get if you asked a drawbot to make a woman who hates videogames because they appeal to the male fantasy) is good for one book; she basically only knows how to write one story, that is, "yeah grrl power!" so she keeps writing it with different names. Though seems like she decided to git gud with the Beka Cooper books. Also the coolest character she made is accidentally male. :^) (Briar "I'll drag you back from the other side of death" Moss!) She has two settings, Tortall (Beka Cooper), which is low fantasy, and Circle of Magic (Briar Moss) which is high fantasy.
Hmm... I should be able to think of more. Oh, if you allow webcomics, definitely recommend both A Magical Roommate and To Prevent World Peace by Emily Martha Sorensen. ... Actually she also writes novels and I recommend them too, I've never seen her write anything bad.
@lain pretty much every story from haruki murakami is "weird" in some sort or another, something strange and unexplainable happens every time, in some books it's also alternate future / current time (e.g. Hard Boiled Wonderland). Master and Margarita is a very good supernatural story, I guess that can be called fantasy in a way?