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:suya: ('s status on Saturday, 17-Aug-2024 08:22:05 JST :suya: ok i made an account in a dating app just for teh lulz, somehow literally within the first 5 minutes matched with a cute but autistic artist girl, and she's actually fun to talk to.
How does this happen to me? I've no idea :comfyderp:- ✙ dcc :pedomustdie: :phear_slackware: and Pleroma-tan like this.
- Pleroma-tan repeated this.
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:suya: ('s status on Saturday, 17-Aug-2024 08:42:48 JST :suya: @echo lol yeah. You can't just emulate autism this well. Pleroma-tan likes this. -
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Eiko Sarada (Alt/Back-Up) ('s status on Saturday, 17-Aug-2024 08:42:49 JST Eiko Sarada (Alt/Back-Up) @newt Are you sure "she's" real?
I wish I was joking. I've read that some sites have gone beyond just fake profiles and actually pay people in Africa and SE Asia like $1 a day to log in and chat with people to prolong the ruse. It's pretty disgusting.Pleroma-tan likes this.Pleroma-tan repeated this.