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feld ('s status on Wednesday, 07-Aug-2024 07:27:58 JST feld @strypey Snapchat already forked Redis and made it better anyway, it's called KeyDB - Sick Sun likes this.
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Strypey ('s status on Wednesday, 07-Aug-2024 07:28:02 JST Strypey "Within a day or so after Redis announced the license change the inevitable happened. Redis’s still fresh on the open-source vine software was forked, given the new name “Redict,” and released under the Lesser GNU General Public license v3.0-only. The person behind the fork is Drew Devault, the founder and CEO of the open-source GitHub alternative SourceHut..."
#ChristineHall, 2024
Congratulations @drewdevault. Love your work.
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Strypey ('s status on Wednesday, 07-Aug-2024 07:28:04 JST Strypey "Last Thursday... Redis announced that it had changed the license covering its software from the open-source 3-Clause BSD License to the Redis Source Available License and the Server Side Public License, both source-available proprietary licenses..."
#ChristineHall, 2024