@desea I just have a scene in my book where several people are about to be teleported onto an underwater hideout but my research into submarines says they only need to be pressurized to be about equal with normal surface level air pressure. so now I'm confused. it could be different for divers because they're getting the water pressure directly instead of being in an airtight container that might be taking the load instead?
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💜 Dr. Blight ❤️ (rasp@raru.re)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Aug-2024 10:00:20 JST 💜 Dr. Blight ❤️ -
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Paradox (paradox@raru.re)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Aug-2024 12:15:04 JST Paradox @Rasp @desea
So subs are pressurized like that for the same reason planes are. It's simulating normal pressure environment for them.
When you're diving, you gradually adjust inner pressure to match outer pressure, at least until your body can't compensate. Diving suits are a pocket version of what subs do.
When you adjust too quickly, throws shit outta whack. Ya get the bends, because your body tries to absorb more air in a fucked up way (I think).
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