@lain being good at a topic ≠ being good at explaining it. especially in academia, where the professors with the highest qualifications are poached by universities for the research opportunities (and they're forced to teach to maximize the uni's investment). usually, those people aren't really given any pedagogic training, and are just dropped into a classroom. very rarely will they be a naturally born "good teacher", and this subsequently applies to textbook authors who are usually less qualified than the top academic brass (depending on the field ofc)
@lain > It's like they actively want to prevent you from understanding it. Gatekeeping and filtering by programming socks wearers youchu.be/watch?v=PCREQFQl7Dg
@lain definitely social retards, sometimes retards retards. im lucky my grandparents are the rare exception to that and are actually the coolest, chillest and smartest people i know
@lain those articles are obscure enough they probably have only one contributor writing the majority of the text. If that person was a bad writer (or not very knowledgeable or careful) then the article will be bad.
@lain@Rocc What they do is they take an interesting subject, then they suck all the joy out of it until it is the most boring thing you've ever read in your whole life.