Also a shout-out to my non-binary pal @rybson (aka Fish) who also happened to make one of the funniest observations ever when, right here on Mastodon, there were polls on non-binary names, with - despite all the many votes - "Moss" and "Ash" drawing totally even in the final stage, prompting Fish to note that this was "the most non-binary result" and it still makes me giggle to this day. And as a matter of fact, as a result of that, Fish also created a song, Moss and Ash. I love it, and hope you check it out, and support my non-binary friend who is quirky, smart, kind, funny, and really quite brilliant:
@MediaActivist oh wow thank you so much for the praise amd shoutout! Happy nonbinary day to you friend :blobcatheart_trans: :Blobhaj_Flag_Nonbinary: :heart_nb: