i mean, yeah
I think Jesse Jackson probably had much wider impact than Sanders in terms of building upon grassroots local organizations, like teh civil rights movement that survived COINTELPRO which is a mixture of militants who got involved in local politics, and the quieter NAACP, SCLC middle class types, and so there was a protracted struggle between racist white liberals and black/poc progressives, and the white establishment have developed advanced techniques for coopting and disrupting any kind fo grassroots opposition internal or external, call it COIN or the progressive plantation, it's a big fucking trap. Not to mention the multi billion dollar non-profit industrial complex, which is just an evolution of Carnegiesque Philanthropy, like it's literally rockafeller foundation etc. Several Rockefellers were powerful liberal republican politicians iirc
Could also go back to Missisipi Freedom Democratic Party, Fanny Lou Hamer and them ( also Kwame Ture, soon to be Panthers) The Panthers themselves tried to go the electoral route what 72? Ran Bobby Seale and someone else for City Council, lost, banktrupted the whole party ( after forcing local chatpers to relocate -- I think Huey was basically Mkultra'd as well as Cointepro'd anyway )
I think that the democrats could be forced to support concessions if there is sufficient pressure from the outside, it's possible to put progressive candidates on the ballot etc. But you have to have the grassroots movement first, which can't be coopted and doesn't need to bow to teh democratics.
So Sanders campaign never had the kind of connection to like BLM that should have happened, maybe because of Bernie Sander's soft imperialism and the not-so-lo-key racism of white sanders supports.
In any case we need strong working class organizations without any allegiance to the Democratic Party and not indepted to NGO industrail grants.