@JamesGleick Senator Whitehouse was particularly eloquent on "justice" Alito last week on Deadline Whitehouse that the conservatives have been the kids with the headgear sitting at the cool kids table for years unable to do what they were put there to do, and are now really letting their right wing freak flag fly and they dont give a fuck who sees it. They cant believe they are being criticized and not cheered, they are THAT out of touch. link ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DT0-TWGhXgM
“The thing with Sam Alito is that he doesn’t give a fuck. He is a seventy-something Fox News watcher and religious fundamentalist who happens to find himself in a position of immense and almost incomparable power over all of American society and he’s going to take that power to the limit to advance his own political preferences. He’s not even going to go through the motions of pretending that’s not the case.”
Josh Marshall understands Alito all too well. Gift link: