Trump's supremacist cult claims to care about virtue and morality,
and their prize pig believed them.
He committed those 34 felonies to keep his cult from knowing that he paid an adult film actress for sex while his wife was convalescing with his infant son.
At the time he didn’t realize that none of these good lawful decent mostly white mostly male mostly Christian supremacists give a single fuck about any of that,
and never will, as long as they continue to believe he will punish the people they want punished in defense of their empty moral authority.
It’s doubtful the pig president would make the same mistake today, now that his followers have clearly proved that true morality
—even by their own definitions
—means as little to them as the lives of those they intend to consume and control and destroy.
These days he's bolder.
These days he knows there are no lines he can't cross.
So the pig president isn't going to make those mistakes anymore about his cult of moral authorities.
Neither should we