Feeling super emotional right now having just watched the newly-released uprising reporter reflection #4 from @UnicornRiot, about Day 4 of the George Floyd Uprising in #Minneapolis, the day and night after the 3rd precinct fell. There's so many quotes and screenshots and parts from it I'd love to share but I'll just say, def take half an hour when you can to watch it, and pass it on to help keep the history alive:
I've had a story in my head for a couple years now, an alternate history, involving what might've happened if people had moved faster and more decisively on that day attacking the 5th precinct, not let our foot off the gas. I've started putting some of it into words but it hasn't quite felt right. Maybe at some point I'll be ready to share it; I think imagination is healing, after all, and is a big driver of revolt.
Altho I was and am immensely proud of all the rebels that week, and I'm glad I did what I felt capable of doing with my people, I also yearn for might have been had I and everyone else done a little more.