@buttondown Yes yes yes! I'd love to hear more about how you went about implementing this.
We've heard for so long that code blocks in emails can't be highlighted because email clients are limited. That has seemed unfounded, and I've implemented it for my own newsletter on Ghost.
How did you decide to make this happen when other platforms say email clients can't support it?
@buttondown BTW I really hope you see some technical writers migrate from Substack for this feature alone. I shared this update in a technical writers group I'm part of.
I haven't heard any complaints from my own subscribers, but I have heard from a number of people that highlighted code blocks really do make posts more readable. I included support for highlighted lines and filenames, which is really helpful for writing about code as well.
@buttondown Well, I wouldn't be surprised if it's that simple. Most platforms just haven't seemed to prioritize technical writing.
When I dug into the internals of emails that were actually sent by a variety of platforms, I found plenty of CSS to support other features. It didn't take much more to support highlighting.
If you don't mind my asking, did you find a few clients that don't handle it well? I don't have access to good email client testing tools.
@buttondown BTW I'd love to see you implement this as well. It's no more difficult than syntax highlighting, adds little weight to emails, should be broadly supported by clients, and makes a world of difference when writing about code.
@buttondown The new updates have been sooooo good. Smoothest time writing my updates now :ablobcatnodmeltcry:
I think the only thing bothering me--and it's really a me thing, maybe--is that if I'm writing a long update, I have to scroll way back up to the file menu to link, adjust alignment, etc. For some reason, I keep thinking the old version had it so that the menu scrolled down with you--am I wrong in remembering that?