Will you be alive after this one? I read an opinion piece, claiming that the British are leading the U.S. and Europe into a Suicidal Nuclear Confrontation with Russia. I beg to differ, however, since I know that every thing the Biden, potato regime does, it’s calculated and deliberate. Biden’s almost dead, he has very little to lose and he must think that his family will be well taken care of in the coming shock wave. So much for climate change then huh? Nothing like several hundred nuclear detonations to get the climate back in sync.
I’ve been posting nuclear blast images for the past year now, much to the consternation, of some of my online associates. They called me names and laughed, who’s laughing now, I wonder? Fairest election of all time. I wonder why the globalist have to meet their projected timeline? They seem awfully hurried to do something, including provoking all the major nuclear powers. Let’s see how it all turns out. If one has popcorn, there may not be the need, for any microwaves when the fit shit the fan. These aren’t just interesting times, these may be the last of them. Good luck.