We're excited to announce the latest Framework Laptop 13 with Intel Core Ultra Series 1, an optional 2880x1920 120Hz display (ideal for 2:1 scaling on Linux), and new configurations for businesses with 3 year warranties. Pre-orders are open now.
We've permanently reduced the prices on our AMD-powered Framework Laptop 13 models and remaining inventory of 13th Gen Intel Core and introduced new configurations of Ryzen 7040 Series DIY Edition with the 2.8k display, available for pre-order today: https://frame.work/products/laptop-diy-13-gen-amd/configuration/new
Shipments start this August in all 14 countries we're currently in, and a fully refundable $100 deposit is all that is needed to get in line. We'll also be opening ordering in Denmark, Sweden, and Finland in June!