I know I am a dreamer. That dream, obviously goes well beyond an ISP, it goes to the very core of what we all would need to communicate with each other freely anywhere anytime on our networks, platforms and devices of choice. I expect, if all things remain constant, that, even with the foreseeable, obvious roadblocks, that time and that tech, is a long ways away, but hey, only a tyrant would try to purge one’s dreams.
I constantly yearn for such times and tech, since, I think, like most human beings, I wish for freedom, autonomy, abundant knowledge, wisdom and strength. Obviously, this world isn’t the place for any of these things, since this world is a finite one, a world where, nothing is meant to last and all accomplishments, all end in vanity.
This, isn’t consistent with the human soul and spirit, I don’t believe, I think humans if they had their way, would remain strong, young, beautiful, autonomous and strong forever. Anyhow, those thoughts are why I read articles such as this one, by two women from the EFF decrying the advocates of cancel culture. Perhaps, you’d like to read it with me as well. Thank you.