@Gargron You can study the effect of long-time brain drain (84-year-study) on the German people. Smartness sinks like a Russian canonboat. (me traitor! born deutsch)
@Gargron en français ça donne : Après le rachat spectaculaire de Twitter, voici le prochain coup de théâtre : le milliardaire américain Elon Musk acquiert également le concurrent de Twitter, Mastodon. Le service de microblogging devrait changer de propriétaire pour 1,3 million de dollars.
Suite !! Apparemment, le fondateur de Mastodon, Eugen Rochko, n'a pas pu résister longtemps aux offres du patron de Tesla - avec cette vente, il deviendra millionnaire du jour au lendemain. Dès le 1er novembre, Musk dirigera toutes les activités opérationnelles de Mastodon, qui portera désormais le nom de Muskodon.
Sur son compte Mastodon, Musk a posté le message "the mammoth is released" peu après l'annonce de l'accord.
@Gargron Selon Musk, rien ne devrait changer dans un premier temps pour les dizaines d'utilisateurs de Mastodon. Les critiques craignent toutefois que Donald Trump n'apparaisse bientôt sur la plate-forme. De nombreux utilisateurs de Mastodon se sont montrés indignés par ce rachat et ont annoncé qu'ils se tourneraient à l'avenir vers la start-up de Fürth "Zöglfrexer", qui ne compte actuellement que 7 utilisateurs, comme alternative.
@Gargron "good" old times when my former sociopathic boss spent his whole afternoons reading Der Postillion and using those fake news just to try to be funny among the team. Half of those were lost in translation
@Gargron We've got "The Beaverton" in Canada and they get that a lot too. The problem with really good satire is that it sounds believable. Of course, people need to think for longer than a few seconds to get past that. Analasys is not our strong point these days, unfortunately.
@Gargron That amount of money sounds like what he has in his bill fold at the moment. Def at least make him go to the ATM. :P
I can't read German, so I haven't seen it before, but I know with The Onion, I can tell an out of context screenshot is from there by the font? Its very distinct. I imagine Der Postillon is like that too.
@Gargron For those of us that used Twitter primarily for news, I wrote a post about how to keep up with news (specifically immigration news, policy, and research) without Twitter here. Might be useful for some people.
@Gargron I mean, people in the Anglosphere are fooled by the English language The Onion all the time! Don't worry about it, it helps to think of it like a sort of bare minimum filter :p
@Gargron it's generally so that many people in the comments thought Position is real. I often not knowing if it's their wired humor or if they realy think it's real.