Just set up a 6m ground plane and am calling CQ on 50.090 MHz. Not even getting any Reverse Beacon spots, though. :(
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Dan KB6NU (kb6nu@mastodon.radio)'s status on Sunday, 12-May-2024 04:12:19 JST Dan KB6NU -
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James Morris (jmorris@social.kernel.org)'s status on Sunday, 12-May-2024 04:12:17 JST James Morris @Stormgren @kb6nu yep, check beacons, and wspr, dxmaps etc. seems quiet now. Local VHF groups can be helpful when setting up. The antenna should rx ok-ish on 10m, too. -
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Stormgren (stormgren@obsidianmoon.com)'s status on Sunday, 12-May-2024 04:12:18 JST Stormgren @kb6nu Your antenna polarization might be the issue there. Not saying a vertically polarized antenna on 6m won't work, but a 6m dipole might yield better results, unless the convention of using horizontally polarized for weak signal work on VHF isn't a thing anymore
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James Morris (jmorris@social.kernel.org)'s status on Sunday, 12-May-2024 04:13:09 JST James Morris @Stormgren @kb6nu also, FM repeaters, which will be vertical
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