@MMS21 This is terrible, you're talking about kids and basically saying they having it coming. While i agree they shouldn't skip school and drink, the majority of rape and other crimes are coming from so called refugees that shouldn't even be there. They don't deserve to raped because they are bad students or have bad morals. You're making excuses for a religion that condemns alcohol use but not rape. It shouldn't even be a religious topic, it's about immigration and crime.
Why are you so focused on brown people committing crimes rather than saving vulnerable girls? Their own families didn’t give a shit about them, that’s how they’re leaving school mid day for a drink with a brown man and getting raped constantly. Nobody loved them so they sought love in any way they could.
They don’t follow a religion which strictly forbids them from taking drugs like alcohol which is another reason this shit happens. Your families actually encourage alcohol consumption at a young age!
These crimes would plummet over night if crackkkas cared about their own but they don’t. Instead, your parents kick you out the house the night you turn 18 and leave nothing behind when they die.
If you crackkkas weren’t so weak and just killed pedophiles the problem would be solved by now. You should take a page out of our rule book instead of being cowards.
>This is terrible, you're talking about kids and basically saying they having it coming.
If you don't adequately defend yourself then the likelihood of being harmed is greater and there's nothing wrong in saying that. Don't spin it like I said they deserved it because that's what "they having it coming" means.
Every one including children should be protected from harm and I'm only writing this so you don't assume my position. It's becoming apparent from your response that you've fallen for the posts online from ill-informed racists.
>the majority of rape and other crimes are coming from so called refugees that shouldn't even be there
@MMS21 All your statements seem to have double meanings then. You want to say it's their responsibility to defend themselves. KIDS. Deporting these child rapists is how you prevent and defend yourself. Islam may or may not condemn rape directly in the quran but it turns a blind eye to grooming kids. Don't even get me started on the profit and the nine year old. I'm hispanic not aryan, I didn't fall for a poast meme but I don't believe your doublespeak. Muslims are raping kids, they are no better than jews. The best thing the Spanish ever did was remove them and the jews in the reconquista. Not saying you personally endorse raping kids but denying it is part of that community is deceptive and you lose credibility. Senator armstrong 2.0 lolcow territory.
>All your statements seem to have double meanings then
The reading comprehension of people on this app is terrible and the rest of this response is evidence why.
>You want to say it's their responsibility to defend themselves. KIDS.
I made constant references to their families as it is their parents responsibility:
1. "Their own families didn’t give a shit about them" 2. "Nobody loved them so they sought love in any way they could" (their families aren't loving) 3. "They don’t follow a religion" (they would be following the religion of their parents) 4. "These crimes would plummet over night if crackkkas cared about their own"
You're trying that emotional argument again by putting "KIDS" in capital and making up a strawman.
>Deporting these child rapists is how you prevent and defend yourself
Thanks for proving my point you "don't don’t give a shit about rape unless the victim is white and the perpetrator is black/ brown".
Instead of getting rid of the problem (killing them) you'd rather unleash rapists onto a country where they will continue to commit rape. You should commit sepukku if you have any honor left.
>Islam may or may not condemn rape directly in the quran
It condemns and forbids rape but you turn a blind eye to the evidence I just provided.
>but it turns a blind eye to grooming kids
Have you got any evidence for that claim?
>Don't even get me started on the [prophet] and the nine year old.
Why do you believe that Ayesha (RA) was 9? Did she have a calendar? In response to the hadiths you'll no doubt bring up I say she was misinformed. Saying "I am 9 years old" is not a Islamic ruling, in the sense that it is not something you do, a ruling would be "do not drink alcohol".
We follow authentic hadiths. Saying "it was very warm today" or "I am 9 years old" is not something you can follow as it isn't an order so I have no issues with her being misinformed about her age.
The only thing those hadiths of her age prove is that she said it, not that she was actually 9 years old. Have you got any evidence other than this that she really was 9?
I'm also not calling her a liar because lying implies that she knows her true age, but decided to "lie" about it. She didn't know her age and all the evidence of the prophet refutes this claim of him being a pedophile.
Even back then nobody made that claim (non of his enemies said it).
>Muslims are raping kids, they are no better than jews.
They cannot be Muslims if their scripture strictly forbids the act. It's one of the greater sins and the punishment is hell.
All these ideas you have about Islam can be proven if you bothered to do a 5 minute google search.
>Not saying you personally endorse raping kids but denying it is part of that community is deceptive
But that's exactly what you're saying. You just said my prophet does it and obviously we follow the teachings of our prophet.
How in the world did you accuse me of doublespeak and then do it yourself in the very next sentence lmao
@MMS21 If you wanted to make a statement about child welfare and family values you should have. Instead you made a case in defense of grooming gangs and immigration and used religion as a shield. You keep claiming it's an emotional argument and we could go back and forth about who is right. Very jewish behavior to blame the family of the kids being raped and then create a false argument that appeals to opposite sides. Is this type of pilpul common with MENA people? I don't need to waste my time further, Jesus is the only way not islam.
It's a haith in Sahih al-Bukhari, not "Sahih Bukhari's Hadith". You're revealing how little you know the more you guys respond. @ChristopherBRobin thought hadith are recorded in the Quran smh 🤣
Why do you believe that Ayesha (RA) was 9? Did she have a calendar? She was misinformed. Saying "I am 9 years old" is not a Islamic ruling, in the sense that it is not something you do, a ruling would be "do not drink alcohol".
We follow authentic hadiths. Saying "it was very warm today" or "I am 9 years old" is not something you can follow as it isn't an order so I have no issues with her being misinformed about her age.
The only thing those hadiths of her age prove is that she said it, not that she was actually 9 years old. Have you got any evidence other than this that she really was 9?
I'm also not calling her a liar because lying implies that she knows her true age, but decided to "lie" about it. She didn't know her age and all the evidence of the prophet refutes this claim of him being a pedophile.
He's taking the vampire loli defense for Aisha so even if she looked like a child when married to Muhammed she was actually old enough for modern day sensibilities. (Muhammed had great insight into future AOC laws)
There are men, women, boys and girls. It says to kill the men, women, boys but not the virgin women and girls. What the fuck do you think they're going to do with virgins? (rape).
Those women and girls are not going to willingly have sex after seeing their fathers, mothers and brothers killed you sicko.
At most you can avoid the embarrassment by claiming it's Mosaic law but that doesn't avoid the fact that your bible contains fucked up sickening shit.
@MMS21@dj Embarrassment? You're the one reading pedophilia into things where it isn't even implied, offering an insight into your own mind.
There are plenty of things to criticize the Old Testament for, including slavery (which, yes, almost certainly included rape). Exodus 21:7-10 makes it clear that women (and men, incidentally) could be sold as slaves, and women could be returned if they were not "pleasing" to their master. However, age is never mentioned.
The New Testament clearly condemns sexual immorality, almost constantly, and Jesus himself defends children (remember the millstone statement).
On the other hand, how old was Aisha when Mohammed raped her?
My entire statement WAS about child welfare and family values. I clearly evidenced it in a numbered list.
>Instead you made a case in defense of grooming gangs and immigration and used religion as a shield
It's typical in these conversations with christians that you'll avoid answering any of my questions but Ill ask anyway, where did I defend grooming gangs?
Actually, I told you WHY they're groomed and asked why you people only care when the gang is brown/ black.
>You keep claiming it's an emotional argument and we could go back and forth about who is right.
I've provided you with a study and sources for my claims and you've just posted your own ill-informed opinion.
>Very jewish behavior to blame the family of the kids being raped and then create a false argument that appeals to opposite sides.
Stop lying I never blamed the kids. It's entirely the parents/ families fault. It's pointless trying to convince disingenuous people like you but at least one person that comes across this thread can see this isn't true.
>Is this type of pilpul common with MENA people
You have to follow rabbis for the old testament lmao tf you think Jesus was? He spoke Aramaic.