GRADS, CONGRATS, and if you are the Indiana University student who put this on your mortar board for your graduation ceremony, please DM me so that we may figure out a way for me to buy you every last beer or cocktail you would like to consume to properly celebrate your graduation.
I can't emphasize enough how anyone in the myriad of lofty smart intellectuals [EDIT, per the incisive and spot-on replies--> and corporate MBAs] who run major universities and who, in that role, sent armed-to-the-teeth goons after their own students, should not only not have their jobs as of the summer, they should be marched across campus and pelted with garbage. You betrayed a MASSIVE trust and, in an actual just society where half the country didn't celebrate violence and "iron-hand" policy prescriptions because it gibes with their bigotry, you would now be fucking unemployable.
@GrimmReality when was the last time you walked through the administrative parking lot of a university? It’s all luxury cars. They’re all corporate ghouls, what do you expect? This is what happens when you run institutions like a business.