A lot of people living in cities don't realize that rural USA is a lot like those third-world countries a politician might describe as ‘shitholes.’
In my tiny village(which is basically a few far-apart houses and farms gathered around a swamp):
-No municipal water (we have a well)
-No sewer (septic tanks)
-No garbage disposal (burn it)
-No public school (There's one in the next town over, bus leaves at 630am, gets back 430pm)
-No public college (there's one in the next county, that means you pay out-of-county tuition which is double)
-No mail delivery (I have a PO box)
-No police (I actually love this, no complaints here)
-No fire/emergency services (volunteers are notified by the town siren, closest actual hospital is an hour flight by chopper after you've driven 40 minutes to the rural hospital, which is basically just triage)
Where do I live? In Michigan, but you'll never find my address cuz it's not even on Google Maps.