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One of the drawbacks for some of the dating apps - most of them - is that you have to make a decision and the decision is binary. Yes or no, yes or no, yes or no.
Match and Hinge aren’t like that. You can pass on someone and then come back to them later. Match in particular has an amazing search function that lets you drill down to EXACTLY the woman you want to approach.
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depends on what you want and what you offer.
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Are dating apps worth a damn?
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I found my forever girl there. i found my ex wife on AOL. Computer dating works for some people.
if you are looking for short-term fun and you can appear to be a high-status man, the options are endless.
I am not physically attractive. I am White and middle-aged. but I have boyish charm and a master’s degree. The kind of women I would want to match with like me very much.
as do jews for some reason.
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@s2208 @Morghur Because your smart and charming (you can talk a good game).
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the Ernest Hemingway of bullshit
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also I am TOTALLY OK with being ignored or curved or even insulted.
theres always a next one.
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it’s been something I’ve been working on since I was about 18 months old
subconsiously of course
it took me until age 45 to realize what was going on and to curb myself
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@s2208 @Morghur I kind of respect that more. It's one thing to be born with good looks. I had a buddy like that. He'd walk across the room turn heads and they would fall under a spell. He was the 5% Chad. If you are an average guy, or below average, you have to work really hard to get an attractive girl.
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Asian don’t raisin. they look 15 until they’re 55 and then instantly turn 100. it’s very convenient.
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I always find seeing the absolute dumbass cucked losers they end up with after rejecting me very satisfying. "wait wait wait, you rejected me for this loser?! I understand now, you're retarded" Dodged many of those 😆. Not to mention these broads haven't aged well. I've had several over the years reach out to me expressing interest now. I wasn't good enough then, why am I good enough now? Feels good man.
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until you reach her.
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No. It's a self-esteem farm for a lot of chicks. Just feeds their narcissism. If you're a decent guy, you get lost in the noise and appear boring because her inbox is stuffed with wanna-be chads throwing down their best game. She's on a pedestal you can never reach.
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they come in all kinds of flavors. you can even find among the western-born the mornidly obese Korean girl. I’m sure there’s one to suit you.
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Maybe I go asian on the next one. Haven't had one of those yet lol.
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I’m sorry. that’s a tragic situation for you to be in.
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Well see. At some point I need to cut this current chick loose because she's clearly unhappy which is making me unhappy. She settling on me because I was the least awful choice in her orbit I suppose. I'm not a cheater but this has an expiration date.
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I hear this very often and I refuse to believe it in most cases because I am also plain and boring (to normies) but I do fabulously well - or, I do fabulously well with the parts I utilize (I never actually meet the girls)
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tbh i'm so plain and boring i doubt i would be able to reach anyone.
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it's not their fault either. women are biologically programmed such that they get stuck at their highest setting. if they fuck a 10 one time, or even date one, then they think they're a 10 and deserve to marry a 10 even if they're a 5 and it was a really slow night for the guy
they confuse their value on the short-term sexual marketplace (eg as a wet hole) with their value as a long-term mate
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You know what though brother, that IS the fuckin norm. They have this fantasy that what they read in books and see in movies is the norm and it isn't. Even chicks on "our side" do this. None of us can live up to that standard (unless you're ridiculously good looking or standing on a stack of money) and it's exhausting to attempt to.