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I was thinking; what good are migrants the US government are allowing to flood the country when they're just going to encounter the same economic conditions that's stagnating?
To me it seems like more grumpy people with less space.
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America is a whore. People come here to fuck her, kill her, and eat her corpse. No one is loyal to a hooker.
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@Largo @TrevorGoodchild So pre-America then lol
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@TrevorGoodchild But they're not going to afford a car like everyone else, they're going to be hit with the same APRs for mortgages, they're not going to stimulate the economy any better than say service industry and that already has people struggling.
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@Bad_Banner Doesn't matter to the ones letting them in. They will "work" completely off the books, they will never buy a home (all money earned will be sent back to their shithole homelands via wire transfer), they will take advantage of free ERs for healthcare, they will live 15 to a room in shared shitty rentals or trailers, and they will vote as they are told with fraudulent IDs or no ID at all in order to keep the gibs flowing
This is how it has been done stateside for a long, long time. They're just looking to exploit and extricate. They are just passing through.
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@TrevorGoodchild @Bad_Banner America has become a "tourist trap" with a revolving door for the brown hordes, and barbed wire for the native Heritage American stock.
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@Bad_Banner They're good for ballot harvesting and cheap labor