This #EarthDay2024 I'd like to introduce you a friend of mine. World, please meet "Multisolving: Creating Systems Change in a Fractured World" which will look more like a book & less like a binder in a patch of daffodils when it's released by IslandPress in fall 2024!
For those hungry for #systemsthinking I've done my best to share what I know about that. If you've always been interested in systems but maybe have been put off by lots of math, charts & diagrams you might like that my book is high on systems concepts but low on systems diagrams.
For the overwhelmed - I hope the book offers a way to think about change, about scale, about emergence, about steering through crises and uncertainty. If there's any of that wisdom in the pages h/t to my three most important teachers Donella Meadows, Joanna Macy, and my garden.
(If you don't have time for a 🧵, but want to keep up with the book as I know more about release date and events pls sign up for the Multisolving Institute newsletter here:
My #Earthday wishes for this book and you, its possible reader, (with a few spring photos just for the sake of joy) a 🧵about what I tried my hardest to offer as I wrote...