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kaia ('s status on Saturday, 20-Apr-2024 00:03:13 JST kaia I have a dumb question: Ubuntu is 4.7GB ISO. what makes it so big? one gigabyte is 1,600 books... how can it be that much code? - Pleroma-tan likes this.
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Pleroma-tan ('s status on Saturday, 20-Apr-2024 00:05:40 JST Pleroma-tan @kaia snap probably -
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Sick Sun ('s status on Saturday, 20-Apr-2024 00:06:53 JST Sick Sun @kaia libreoffice kaia likes this. -
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mangeurdenuage :gnu: :trisquel: :gondola_head: 🌿 :abeshinzo: :ignucius: ('s status on Saturday, 20-Apr-2024 00:10:35 JST mangeurdenuage :gnu: :trisquel: :gondola_head: 🌿 :abeshinzo: :ignucius: @kaia Rember the days of when unbuntu 12 came out on cd and you could order them for free ? I rember kaia likes this. -
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p ('s status on Saturday, 20-Apr-2024 00:10:47 JST p includes a bunch of possibly unnecessary things, if you want to be legit install the debian net_installer and build your own DM from scratch
@kaiakaia likes this. -
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munir ('s status on Saturday, 20-Apr-2024 00:19:17 JST munir @kaia
1 art (icons, wps)
2 large fonts (shit like nerd fonts with lots of those thingies)
3 unneeded applications/software so that it's compatible with all form of computing hardwarekaia likes this. -
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menherahair ('s status on Saturday, 20-Apr-2024 00:25:52 JST menherahair @kaia localization is easily a gig if not several kaia likes this. -
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Account: Computers ('s status on Saturday, 20-Apr-2024 07:30:21 JST Account: Computers @kaia I saw a breakdown for either MS Word of LibreOffice, in which the vast majority of space used by its packages was fonts for all the world's languages that you'll never use. The 2nd worst waste of space was the subpackages and plugins that supported compatibility with other file formats. Cannot quite find it now, but this is how I remember it. kaia likes this. -
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Tadano ('s status on Monday, 22-Apr-2024 21:01:47 JST Tadano @kaia kaia likes this.