"...prospect [of Trump's return as president] has spawned buzz words in #Japan..." "First it was ”moshi Tora” or ”if Trump” and then it became ”hobo Tora” or ”almost Trump” " - Kent E. Calder Director of the Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20240417/p2g/00m/0in/026000c 🔸Succinct overview of US presidential race prospects, but best to be prepared for the worst. I recall MIT profs visiting Japan in 2015 commenting on TFG's candidacy, but not taking it seriously #MoshiTora#HoboTora
@RoboticistDuck "moshi tora" sounded familiar when I first heard it before realizing it was triggering memories of the "Moshidora" craze around 2010 where "dora" referred to Peter Drucker's business management book. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moshidora
@minorusaba the first time I heard the expression “moshi tora”, all I could think of was that it was some kind of ironic revenge for the 1970 film “Tora! Tora! Tora!”. “Hobo Tora” is distressingly interesting for the English meaning of the word hobo.