Bought a cheap co2 monitor off eBay. The screen cover hides four screws, inside it looks suspiciously like there is space for an esp, although it's lacking the components to provide power and data. The pad marked 3v3 is 5v but the one marked vcc is 3.3v so could be tapped. The temperature and humidity sensors look pretty basic, not 100% on the co2 sensor There is no fan to draw air into the case The lithium cell's rating is hidden by the sticky pad. It doesn't seem to agree with my SCD4x sensor
@g7vkq@guysoft I've got a couple of IKEA Vindriktning that I've added an esp8266 and an scd4x co2 sensor to. So if you're inclined to solder stuff that's an option too.
@M0YNG@guysoft the CO2 sensor I bought recently isn’t cheap (like £100+) but I have been very pleased with it, and might buy into their central monitoring setup as well. Given t the data is mostly for awareness and fun, I can also see the attraction in going for a much cheaper setup
@guysoft depends what you want it for and where you're getting it from. If you want reliable and accurate readings I'd suggest looking for something that specifies what sensor it uses and checking that's an actual co2 sensor (not just giving an approximation based on other readings) If it's just for fun and/or you can confirm it against a known working sensor it's possibly worth a few £
@guysoft@g7vkq the IKEA thing has helpful breakout pads for power and data so you can easily add an esp8266. I use esphome which knows how to talk to both sensors. The co2 is an scd41. It all sort of shoves into the case with some hot glue. Sends data to home assistant, both pm25 and co2 plus temperature and humidity.