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mfw the USA was holding the entire planet together :neocat_flush:
we get a little too sleepy and everyones bombing city states, cannibal gangs, crashing boats in to bridges and generally everything goes to the spiders
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@icedquinn The US can barely hold itself together. :blobfoxsmirk:
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@s8n i don't think we bombed arabs as bad as israel though
i know everyone hates us including ourselves but god damn
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@icedquinn they're just entering the power vacuum because the usa slightly slowed down its own bombing campaigns
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USA: :blobcatpolicedonut: i'm gonna need that oil, if you could hand it over that would be great.
Russia: :blobbear: haha i like bombing things fuck you
Israel: :blobfoxfloofowo: you don't understand i have to blow up everything that moves it's just self defense
:blobcatpolicedonut: :blobbear_disapprove: wat
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Serbia: my dad is a war criminal and nobody has the balls to arrest him :comfyevil:
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@voltrina @s8n eastern europeans: what if americans were EVEN MORE janky