W-Ergo keyboard. SA Dream Eater keycaps. Kailh Box White v2 switches.
When I first tried an ergodox layout, I was at 10 wpm and thought it was due to me never learning how to property touch type. But thanks to @icedquinn, I realized it was due not being use to ortholinear layouts. I'm glad I stuck with it. I love split/ortho layouts now.
@djsumdog I was the same way until it clicked. Took at least a good month on mine to feel decently comfortable, and now can effectively touch type. Never got to that point on a traditional layout. Ortholinear layouts rock, love my ergodox. Coincidentally, used Box Whites on the extra I built to use in the office at the start of the lockdowns when it was still close to two weeks. Really need to update that so its mapping matches my home board 😆
The very bottom row of the Ergodox layout is pretty useless for me, but I feel like the thumb clusters and the rest of the keyboard is about perfect. I've never liked super minimal keyboards like the Pok3r because they make some of my i3 key combinations insanely difficult/impossible (hitting 5 keys at once in some cases). I find the 70%/~85 key layout about perfect for regular keyboards.
...although, smaller keyboards would let me see more of my anime waifu desk mats :bunthink:
I've done two writeups on my site about keyboard; this one listing even modern mechanical keyboard I've owned:
@djsumdog@djsumdog.com@icedquinn@blob.cat Nice keyboard, though a bit excessive on the number of buttons for me. Have you considered getting a more ergonomic mouse to add to your setup?
@djsumdog@tyil > slicemk doesn't look too bad. i used to want an ergodox :blobcatthumbsup:
i'm quite okay with the sofle nowadays though i might like if the thumbs were a little lower like they are on that new thing by the moonlander people. will definitely get a second sofle when i can*
* we don't talk about the kit that i sold at a 60% loss
The Sofle looks neat. I'm not sure if I'd want to go that minimal. If I did I think I'd have to spend a lot of time remapping a lot of my standard key combos I use in i3 ... but I'm thinking of trying out Hyprland as my window manager, so might be an opportunity to try out new mappings as well. :gummythink:
@djsumdog@tyil yeah i haven't tried i3 again. i do have a shift to get some of the insert/delete keys, and i still struggle with some weird symbols for similar reasons. i didn't go with the corne because i knew i need lots of buttons.