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🐛 ('s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 03:30:17 JST 🐛 @astrid @ashten sometimes "exposure" works (if you're already extremely well established and are trying to groom young people into perpetuating your monopoly when they have money) - :blobancap: :blobcattrans: :blobancap: :blobcattrans: :blobancap: :blobcattrans: likes this.
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malevolent dictator for life ('s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 03:30:18 JST malevolent dictator for life @ashten funny enough they used to like pirates because pirates meant paying corporate users within a few years. though I've heard they've been cracking down on pirates these days -
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malevolent dictator for life ('s status on Sunday, 31-Mar-2024 03:30:19 JST malevolent dictator for life @ashten feels like it's made for people with too much money (companies) or are just really dedicated to Adobe (which.. yea seems like that's a little cult that exists)