For anyone not keeping up with the thread, here's where things stand. I'm still in bringup mode with lots of hard coded configs etc, so nowhere near full application functionality on either FPGA or MCU side.
* Fan control: not tested as the board runs quite cool. I don't expect to need fans in the final system (just passive cooling) but put the connectors on so I could validate fan control logic, plus in case the board ran unexpectedly warm.
* Trigger outputs: Working great, need to measure rise times and such but the waveforms all look good on the scope
* Trigger inputs: Channels 0-7 blocked by U21 DAC not working, channels 8-11 should be working (testing in progress pending firmware build)
* Relays: Working fine
* Comms with IBC: Working fine, although IBC firmware sometimes hangs when supervisor resets midway through an I2C transaction (need to add a timeout interrupt or something)