@michaelgemar @ernie I feels more and more like he's a defacto sleeper employee for the company these days.
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Joe Ortiz (joeo10@mastodon.sdf.org)'s status on Friday, 22-Mar-2024 09:37:02 JST Joe Ortiz -
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Michael Gemar (michaelgemar@mstdn.ca)'s status on Friday, 22-Mar-2024 09:37:03 JST Michael Gemar @ernie I like the guy, but he pretty much always does.
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Ernie Smith (ernie@writing.exchange)'s status on Friday, 22-Mar-2024 09:37:04 JST Ernie Smith Reading Daring Fireball today sure is something. Appreciate Gruber’s perspective, but he is clearly rooting for the home team.
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