@RikaDerufu @Jens_Rasmussen I'm not talking about "MeToo", I'm talking about how many damn movies, TV shows, books, comics, etc were pushing it.
How much of the top-down culture was pushing it.
People forget that sitcoms like "Friends" and more pushed a lot of this stuff, and it does have an effect.
As I've said in other posts ( https://poa.st/@lichelordgodfrey/posts/AfwTQWzrgRWuhvtKsa ), this is the real "mind control". Not a science fiction device or strange chemical, but controlling the stories, tales, myths, that people see in audiovisual media. Especially when you are exceptionally young, even when you acknowledge it is fake intellectually your brain subconsciously still takes cues from it. It has less effect as you grow up.
There were also a lot of pushes in public and private education to get girls and women to have the "same opportunities as boys/men!", neglecting the fact that males and females are different and will desire different things based on their inherent strengths/weaknesses.
The so-called "equality paradox" (or was it called something else? I forget) in some of the Nordic countries is not a paradox at all but just letting people do what they want and surprise surprise men and women gravitate towards traditionally-minded gender roles, generally. Unfortunately, they're now dealing with the nigger-arab-kike problem, which is far more pressing than any so-called "feminism" these days...