Huawei built a campus for their R&D inspired by various European traditional architecture with a trolley between each zone, designing the whole thing as a clean and functional car-free area. People call it cringe, and maybe the Chinese did their usual construction chicanery, but one thing this shows is certain:
The rejection of beauty by the modern world is a deliberate choice.
@JollyR If it's being used for 25k employees, that's pretty good. I don't know why a tech gadget company (unless it's because China) would need that many people, but at least it looks cool.
@BowsacNoodle Reminds me, whatever happened to those European-style towns China was apparently building awhile back? People were theorizing that they were planning to attract White talent displaced by ZOG, but it doesn't seem like that ever came to pass
@Spingebill@BowsacNoodle I don't think the chinks are ever gonna bother trying to attract whites who would be a possibly problematic minority when they can train one of their gorillion loyal and diligent han subjects to be just as good (in their eyes)
We should build African cities in 1920s Europe and then Liberals would not be allowed to complain and ask for their cultural enrichement! (Tho they probably would be demolish for being ugly...)
@SuperSnekFriend That's actually the best criticism of. I found the thread on /pol/ and I think the Japananon OP put it well.
>They built it in European architecture style for its beauty to inspires the soul. They wanted the architecture to directly be a place of meditation to help inspire the people who work there. Lots of people on Twitter are calling it cringe, fake, and soulless. Some people are praising China saying that China recognizes beauty where it matters and that it's ironic China is the last bastion of European architecture. The last sentence reads like a yellow feverdream cope. First sentence is interesting.
>One thing for sure is that Huawei has been one of the most resilient companies in the world. They are one of the most sanctioned companies in the world, yet they continue to pivot and capture markets in ways we haven't seen before. This is true and interesting. Perhaps it's because China will not let them fail due to their importance as an intelligence apparatus and resilience against Western hardware level infiltration. Remember when the USA did that with critical things? Wasn't that long ago...
>Is Huawei building these another symptom of China's soullessness and being copycats? Or is this something greater: that there is objective beauty which uplifts the soul and inspires for something greater than ourselves? It can be both. Probably a lot of plaster and non resilient designs here. Curious how it will look in 15 years.
@Paultron@Spingebill Yeah military and manufacturing is the only thing they need, and the latter is American companies needing a Chinese presence because the Chinese do not have a universal business cultural understanding of QA and processes yet, or at least not one that's up to Western standards. Ask any small business with production in China and they'll tell you if the "fun".
@BowsacNoodle@Spingebill what talent would they really be looking to attract, though? it's not like there's an advantage to western education, since 80 gorillion chinese students have already gotten it and taken it back home. western industries aren't doing too much that's special and the medical literature is more chinese than western these days
back when i was younger there was a gold rush of american engineers going to china and getting paid princely sums to work there for like 2 years training their domestic talent. that had dried up by the time i was qualified- sorry gweilo, the engineers they have were absolutely sufficient for their needs
@BowsacNoodle@SuperSnekFriend Immitation is the highest form of flattery. They're right though, as far as I'm aware; where in Europe is anyone doing traditional or at least not gay brutalist architecture?
@JollyR why would a campus built for 25k people have or even need a sewer for 5 million? Reasonable criticisms are fine, but unreasonable ones are just that.
China has other cities, real ones, crowded dirty cities. The real cities are more in keeping with the shithole nature of China. But for some strange reason, they are compelled to build out these areas that more resemble movie sets than real cities. Instead of being built out over a thousand years, they are slapped together in just a few. Do they have sewers capable of handling the shit from five million people? I doubt it. Heating, cooling, lights, electricity, water? Probably only enough for a few.
My forecast: as lovely as this Huawei campus is, it will be falling apart by 2030 or 2035 at the latest.
I don't think the chinks are ever gonna bother trying to attract Whites who would be a possibly problematic minority when they can train one of their gorillion loyal and diligent han subjects to be just as good (in their eyes)
@dhomo No argument from me. I live in America, where many modern things are built cheaply AND ugly. I would prefer quality and beautiful, and since I don't expect quality to be the norm today I'll settle for cheap and beautiful.
@dhomo There's so much we lost for the sake of """progress""". Old tall buildings with high windows or the "air scoop" design that passively circulates air from up high and puts it into the basement or low levels. Shade trees, buildings with windows designed to catch sun in the winter and have cross ventilation. Modern construction is all about creating a tight envelope seal for the air, which means you need AC.
@BowsacNoodle I live in one of those soulless modern buildings and it is only good at retaining heat, but does not regulate moisture and once the heat is in you would need ac to cool it back down, since you know summers are getting hot af here. We had a lot of knowledge about building materials that where able to do just that and are readily available. There are a few architects and construction workers which are trying to do that but not at scale since that would go against the system. If inflation was not fucking me in the ass I would build such a home for my family but even with doing a lot of labour myself it would cost me around 300K more then I can afford. Thanks you kind buerocrats