@Momma_Voke@watson after Trump did his thing, my Mothers insulin was about 50 a month. After Biden undid Trumps thing, it went to 700/month. We found out she went off it, cuz she couldn't afford it. Then biden did something in cahoots with big Pharma, it went down to 400 and we had to hear for weeks about how heroic biden was to get the price of insulin down. This is often how dems operate and their dumb voters buy it.
Trump lowered the cost of insulin and epipens and the left and big Pharma went berserk. One of the first things FJB did on day one was reverse Trump’s pharma EO.
FJB and the democrats are completely owned by big Pharma. They will never ever lower the cost of prescription drugs in this country. Every time they talk about this it’s just a big lie.
https://t.me/c/1687375448/107649 SOTU, Biden: "I'm gonna get in trouble for saying that, but anyone wanna get in Air Force One with me and fly to Toronto, Berlin, Moscow...? I mean, excuse me... well even Moscow, probably. And bring your prescription with you."