Dental surgeon just tried to fit my new crown to the implant.
Turned out it has to go back to the lab because it's too big, but it took 3 attempts with a bit of on-site drilling before he gave up.
Screwing it down deforms the gum and crushes it between the crown and the bone, which hurts. He told me to tell him when it got too much and he would pause, which I did, but a long time after he seemed to be expecting me to.
He's like, "waiting for your feedback..." and I just gave him a thumbs up, and his face is kinda like, "This should be hurting. Why aren't you yelling?"
I think trans women get kinda messed up pain thresholds, you guys.
Anyway, it has to go back to the lab for a resize, because it's too big. Also the wrong colour, because they did not account for UK and Ireland levels of tea consumption.