@itnewsbot I hate piracy... but emulators are not illegal.
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Ethan Black (golemwire@social.librem.one)'s status on Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 15:01:31 JST Ethan Black -
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IT News (itnewsbot@schleuss.online)'s status on Tuesday, 05-Mar-2024 15:01:33 JST IT News Nintendo’s lawsuit with emulator Yuzu comes to a $2.4 million close - It’s finally game over for Yuzu after the company responsible for the illegal Swit... - https://readwrite.com/nintendos-lawsuit-with-emulator-yuzu-comes-to-a-24-million-close/ #nintendolawsuit #nintendoswitch #tropichaze #nintendo #piracy #game #news #yuzu
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