For the record, 100% this. A lot of the arguments against this fall apart with any basic level of scrutiny and are largely being made by people and orgs who directly or indirectly benefit from the status quo.
Nothing should be off the table, and it may well help manage ransomware group’s targets if this option was very much on the table, in fact.
One of the defining things I’ve seen at every org I’ve talked to about ransomware preparedness is they’ve spent more time deciding if and how they would pay a ransom - who gets the call, the CEO, the board etc - than actually preparing cyber resilience.
Orgs are discussing the wrong thing first because it’s seen as completely normal to pay. That’s all our fault.
@GossiTheDog Counterpoint: it's their fault, because they view every problem as a certain quantification of money to be gained or lost. And the big power game is who has the power to spend company's money. So they will focus on the expense, and the person in charge to approve it.
I only came off the fence about looking seriously about banning payment late last year and boy is there pushback in private, I keep getting told I’ll kill the golden goose.
In an industry which thinks it is (cyber) punk - about challenging systems etc - the most controversial thing I’ve apparently said or done is raised this one.
It is the elephant in the room, it is allowing the industry - including me - to fail upwards. I wish it wasn’t controversial to point this out. As much as banning payments sounds like a good idea, IMO it won't improve the ransomware epidemic. The solution is financial levers via cyber insurance, cat bonds, and focusing on the basics. Bans of financial practices have done little to actually prevent them. Corporations just get better at hiding them. Corporations constantly still break Sarbox and the US government can barely keep up with enforcing it and other financial laws. The assumption that corporations won't break the law is assinine. They do it every day and will continue to do so. That's the American way (tm). Do they really though? Take a look at any of OSHA's data or any other safety agency. These are just the infractions they find.