As someone who did her PhD on consent I just want to flag a few things in the bsky bridge discussion. One: medical style disclosure based consent (terms and conditions, EULAs etc.) is totally inappropriate for this sort of situation and has been for decades. But it serves the needs of slow-moving legal requirements and companies that like people to forget they signed up to stuff (or were coerced into doing so for social or other reasons). See for more details. (1/n)
Finally: So discussions about the technical capabilities (all posts are public), reasonableness of expectations (people are paranoid) and all of these other objections are moot if you are a responsible person developing tech that interacts with that community. Engage with the community, respect that community, and don't get mad if that community rejects your tech if you didn't do the legwork to discover the normative expectations of behaviour within that community. #bsky#bluesky
Three: A normative expectation for mastodon is that posts stay on mastodon. There are many and varied reasons for this, many of which are reasonable, some of which are perhaps a bit paranoid, but how reasonable or paranoid they are does not invalidate them as reasons for normative expectations of behaviour within the mastodon environment for their community. You don't have to like or agree with it, but you should respect it when interacting with the community.
Two: A community's normative expectations need to be taken into account, for example, that posts are only easily visible to a certain subsection of the fediverse. These expectations may (and often are) completely disconnected from the technical capabilities of the service (e.g. that posts are publicly available), and that's okay. We encounter these expectations of behaviour despite capabilities for different behaviour all the time in the real world. Social contracts regulate them.
Addendum: yes the mastodon (and general fediverse) community is fairly fractured, with wildly different ideas about how the fediverse should operate and that's okay too. If that's going to be the case, make your thing opt-in. (See how the mastodon Search stuff was done for an example.)