"If you REALLY cared about X you would do Y!"
It's such a common statement and implication in this world of ours. And it's utter bullshit. It's people abusing your emotions and using thought terminating clichés to try to force you into action by implying that if you don't do Y, then you don't care about X, and that if you don't care about X, you're a "Bad Person".
But the thing is, life isn't that simple.
Good people can care deeply about X, but come to different conclusions about whether Y is the best way to solve X.
Good people can care deeply about X, but have limited resources, time, attention, and money which prevents them from being able to prioritize Y.
Good people can come to a different conclusion about whether X is a thing that's most deserving of their attention and care right now.
A stranger doesn't get to define who is good or bad. They don't get to hijack your attention about whether their cause is The Most Important Thing to you right now. They don't get to force you to feel shame and guilt because you've already got too much on your plate.
Sure, advocate for the things that matter to you a lot. But reject the fallacy that just because a stranger has dumped guilt and shame in your lap that you have to give a shit.