I can't thank everyone enough for all their help and input on my quest to find an inexpensive XLR to USB adapter for my Stagg dynamic microphone - so many lovely people on Mastodon and the Fediverse! I'm definitely keen to grab a Pyle XLR-to-USB signal adapter but the only one I can seem to find in the UK (link below) still needs to be shipped over across from the US, so if anyone knows any good UK sellers (or any equivalent item in the UK) for the same price range, do let me know! Thanks! #AskFedi #audiophile #audio #xlr #usb #microphone #podcasting #podcast #podcaster https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pyle-Microphone-XLR-Signal-Adapter/dp/B07MTGT27G/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?crid=28X3BWCEV02Z3&keywords=Pyle+xlr+usb&qid=1706893232&sprefix=pyle+xlr+usb%2Caps%2C364&sr=8-2