"According to a study published over the summer by the Federal Institute for Population Research, 👉44% of Ukrainian refugees want to stay in Germany, regardless of the outcome of the war.👈"
According to the Federal Employment Agency, about 20% of Ukrainian refugees in Germany are currently employed, while the rest receive social benefits to cover rent and living expenses." *
*OFC, this only includes the unemployed. Furthermore, full-time family-caretakers as well as minors are also included in these 44% that want to stay.
To.make sure that happens, more #German-language classes and provide efficient means to acqqire German professional....
"#MargretBöwe from the [well-known #NPO] #VdK social association...said there was no other option: 👉#Ukrainians in #Germany must be given time to learn the language and acquire the necessary professional qualifications to integrate into the labor market.👈 "People need prospects," she said. "You can't keep them waiting for years..."