:boostRequest: I'm begging you, could you please boost this post? 🥺 :boostRequest:
goal: ~552/6902 USD
My father finally called. My final deadline is by the start of February. I haven't even got enough to cover my expenses this month and I've got less than 20 days left.
This last few days one of my teeth broke, I've got expelled from college (and I'm trying to appeal it) and I am an absolute mess. I can barely get out of bed.
Idk what to do or how I'll get through this.
I'm begging you please, anything helps. Any amount helps, each and every boost helps.
Steal this post and/or my links and post somewhere else, pass it around, anything. Please.
I want to be free from all of this and there is nothing else that would make me happier 😢
## links:
- [ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/queeroctopuss/goal?g=13) - accepts paypal and stripe.
- [stripe (USD)](https://donate.stripe.com/14k6p1bMg32QfEA6os) - (for those that prefer not using paypal)
## hashtags
#mutualAid #transCrowdfund #mutualAidRequest #blackMutualAid @mutualaid@a.gup.pe
p s.: I'll be redrafting this post so of you need to save it, save the post above it, please.