Here is a Fortinet PDF for the Is my toothbrush really smart? presentation by Axelle Apvrille at Troopers in 2018. I suspect this information is what they are referencing in the article.
@GossiTheDog Aw dang, thanks for sharing this. But the link doesn't actually let you read the story. It's obscured even in that form by other text.
@GossiTheDog The article says it’s true, I’m not sure what translating tools are outputting but I am german so I will translate a section:
(Rough translation from me:)
The electric toothbrush runs on Java, and without any warning or notice Criminals were able to install malware on it - just like 3 million other toothbrushes. One command is enough and at the exact same time the remote controlled Toothbrushes request the website from a Swiss company. The site collapses and is unresponsive for 4 hours. Causing damages in the millions.
An example that sounds like a Hollywood scene, but which really happened.
(German OG below)
Die elektrische Zahnbürste ist mit Java programmiert, und unbemerkt haben Kriminelle darauf eine Schadsoftware installiert - wie auf 3 Millionen anderen Zahnbursten auch. Ein Befehl genügt, und die ferngesteuerten Zahnbürsten rufen gleichzeitig die Website einer Schweizer Firma auf. Die Seite bricht zusammen und ist für vier Stunden lahm gelegt. Es entsteht ein Schaden in Millionenhöhe. Das Beispiel, das wie ein Hollywood-Szenario daherkommt, hat sich wirklich so zugetragen.
This news article claims this happened, but my guess is that what actually happened is this:
Journalists talks with guy from fortinet, fortinet guy explains how a bot net of 3 million devices took down a Swiss companies site, Journalists asks what devices, fortinet guy talks about different things (like smart home devices / iot) and mentions that even a smart toothbrush could be part of such a bot net.
@GossiTheDog@Euph0r14@mttaggart@barubary@serghei I tried doing some rudimentary german language searches for big DDoS attacks against Swiss companies and didn’t find something which would fit (would have certainly been in the news?)
Nothing mentioning 3 million devices.
I did find ddos attacks from ~2016 against Major Swiss online shopping sites, so maybe this could be meant? They went down for a few hours and could have done millions in damages.
@GossiTheDog The weird thing is that in this linked interview, the Fortinet exec claims this really happened to some swiss firm and caused milions in damage during it's 4h outage (which also just doesn't pass the smell test)
Fortigate haven’t replied to my PR question about it. Given this is several times the size of the world’s biggest botnet, you’d think they’d have any evidence.. at all.
@GossiTheDog To be fair, the second paragraph states: “This example, which looks like a Hollywood scenario, really happened.”, so the original journalist already got it wrong… But funny, how a very small, local Swiss newspaper caused this.